Well, sometimes things change, we're all different, and there's no guarantee that every period will be the same. Just like some of us are regular and irregular, or some of us experience PMS and some of us don't. If you've had unprotected sex recently or even protected sex(because some methods of protection aren't always full-proof) you could be pregnant. Or maybe your period is just different this month, be happy they aren't sore ;). In any case, don't panic. Get a pregnancy test and if you're really unsure, see your doctor.
Usually right before your 1 month.
Depends, but usually Ur boobs start growing first well atleast for me that's wat happened
When you're pregnant, the milk isn't in your breasts yet. It's not until after you actually give birth that you get milk in your breasts. It follows colostrom, which is a natural antibiotic.
If a woman produce milk without being pregnant there is usually something wrong wiht the hormone levels and she needs to see a doctor.
It usually happens to girls from the age of 10-16. Girls usually grow small breasts and pubic hair before their period begins. After that, they can get pregnant when having sex.
your breasts will probably stop growing by age 25 but usually before that
Female breasts are composed of fat tissue and glandular tissue. Before pregnancy, the glandular portion is dormant and comprise a small percentage of the breasts' size. Therefore, non-pregnant girls' breasts are mainly composed of fat.
Yes, or right before their period.
you can always be pregnant,if you are fertile and having sex. your breasts may be tender due to water retention, cysts or an unfitted bra. if the symptoms continue, and concern you PLEASE see your doctor.
hamsters are usually pregnant for about three weeks
It's OK if you took it before you were pregnant but as soon as you fond out you have to stop or the fetus can get damaged.
you usually get break-out, cramps, tired, breasts hurts, bloated, and PMS.