If you were having symptoms 3 weeks before your period was due you were not pregnant because you get pregnant 2 weeks before a period. Being 1 day late is neither here nor there. If your breasts are sore and itchy and you are nauseous that could be many different things. I suggest you see a doctor.
You could be. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period
You very well could be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test if your suspect pregnancy.
The short answer is yes. If you have had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.
Possibly. Take a test
you could start your period before you develop boobs - yes! :)
Doesn't sound like it to me. Sore breasts are part of a period before and after. If you miss your next period I would suggest a test.
Are you sure that your not pregnant? if not go get an At home pregnancy test if your sure your not pregnant then chances are it's just your hormones going a little crazy before your period! Isn't being a woman great? LOL!
Yes. Take a home pregnancy test. It is great you know your body so well. If you are not pregnant and this continues contact your physician they will be happy to discuss your cycle w/you.
You could be/get pregnant.
Sorry But Eww
If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.