If you have feelings for him still, let him know
get a new guy... ur obviously desperate
it could be that he still has feelings 4 them and is upset or sad that she broke it off with him or that he broke it off with her
it means you still like her and have feelings for her.
well look for signs does he still talk hope it works out
There are very few situations I can think of where this would be okay. If your ex has moved on with their life, or they broke up with you, then no. If you are still friends maybe it may be worth it to you to say something but you run the risk of ruining the friendship. You broke up, and you may still have feelings for them, but unless they bring up the topic and open a channel for you to say it then you should keep your feelings to yourself.
Its been said that Nick still has feelings for Miley and Miley still has feelings for Nick.Oh and plus Nick and Selena Gomez just broke up too.
Take him back
It means she still has feelings for that guys she broke up with and needs to get over the problem that caused the breakup or you both deal with it together. Maybe you- er she should get back with him.
Yes and no, cuz if they broke up with u than they have no feelings for you but if ur lucky, they probably didnt even know what they were doing
Could be because she still has some feelings.
Thay still have feelings for you there jealous