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There are very few situations I can think of where this would be okay. If your ex has moved on with their life, or they broke up with you, then no. If you are still friends maybe it may be worth it to you to say something but you run the risk of ruining the friendship. You broke up, and you may still have feelings for them, but unless they bring up the topic and open a channel for you to say it then you should keep your feelings to yourself.

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Q: Is it okay to tell your ex you still love them?
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he does it just that he still used to his ex but just tell him that he need to listen to you because your with him and not his ex unless you guys shoulnt be together

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The little things

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you call him everday and you go to his house everyday and tell him that you love him still.

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go call him or tell him to his face that "I love you" or "I still love you" and i want you back...let ur feelings out

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It means that she's lieing that she's over you. She still really cares about you but can't take it all in.

How do you tell your ex you still love them?

If your able to talk with him just be straight forward and honest.