The only thing you can do is wait. You may ask your doctor about it if you are that concerned.
yes there is more than one way to get aids.
It is kind of a up in the air when it comes to the most infamous Depo.. Some people still have their period others wont.
nevermind, I started like 3 hours after asking this xD
Yes quite normal, I have two daughters one started when she was 11 and the other only started at 17.
Igf you havent had your period yet, then you should be okay. But be careful.
No. If you haven't yet started your period, it means that you haven't yet started to ovulate. So, you can have babies yet.
no one knows. they havent started working on it yet
Go to your doctor and tell them that you're worried that you havent had your period yet and it's been a month.
Blame it on genetics.
(first time takin bc pills)what if your period stats on the Friday and it is your first time,shoud you wait for the Sunday to start?
all i am going to say is go to the hospital please
yes especially if you are on medication or birth control