You can also cramp during ovulation.
as long as your not bleeding with the pain everythhing should be ok....its normal to cramp because your uterus is streaching
Yes it is normal to cramp 2 days before. I cramp 2 days before mine. So yes it is normal.
Yes, you can have cramping during ovulation.
urinated, and jizzed.
Muscle cramp can occur at any age.
If your a male its probably kidney stones....
3-7 days--- try Tylenol or Motrin.
"Umihi siya" in Tagalog translates to "he/she urinated" in English.
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.
Cramping when you spot before or after your period is perfectly normal but it doesn't happen to every female. If you cramp when you spot you could try placing a hot water bottle against your stomach and rest for a while.
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