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Q: You missed your period this month and you have to pee ALL the time What is wrong with you?
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Missed your period last month pregnancy test says negative you have pink discharge headaches and cramps it is time for your next months cycle and still no period What is wrong?

pregnancy test could be wrong. try a more accurate one

When missed pills cause an early period do you have your period when it is usually time even though it will be the second time in a month?

If you miss 3 or more pills it can cause you to have a period even thought its the 2nd period that month. This is because you missed pills. Missing pills puts you at high risk of pregnancy and problems in your cycle and how well the pill will prevent pregnancy.

Why is your period 1 month late when it is always on time and you are not pregnant but you have fibroids and could this have caused the missed period?

I don't think fibroids cause missed periods, if anything they make them longer and heavier. Causes of a missed period: Stress Emotional disturbance Over-dieting Over-exercising

If you had your period for 2 days and it was heavy one day then stoped and you missed your period last month and had unprotected sex can you still be pregnant?

YES. Time for a test and/or doctor visit .

Do you get your period at the end of the month?

You can get your period at ANY time of the month.

What does Tom stand?

Time of the month. Time of month. = a period.

Is it ok that I missed my period?

I missed my period this month. I'm usually off about 4 or 5 days, but this time it's been almost 2 weeks. I know 100 percent I'M NOT PREGNANT. I heard that working out, stress, over eating can cause missed cycles. I have had moderate of all, but not anything drastic. I'm really worried. Should I go to the doctor?

Why am i tired all the time missed period abnormal pap smear?

A missed period and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

If you got your period for a day a week earlier than it should be could you be pregnant?

No, not necessary so! It has once happened to me I missed my period for a month the the next time I mensed for a day then a week. But consult your doctor! But I'm right do not be worried!

At what time does the body prepare for pregnancy?

a week before your missed period

After how many days should you take pregnancy tests after missed period?

after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.

When are you supposed to take a pregnancy test?

If you mean what time of day, it doesn't matter. But it is said that you will have the highest level of the pregnancy hormone with your first pee of the day. If you mean what time of the month, then it is after you have missed your period. Some tests can be taken a few days before your period is supposed to start.