If he likes you then he will try and hang out with you alot and try to make you laugh.
a guy is flirting with you if he is calling you nicknames or making you laugh
That's no friend - dump her.
you can know by when they are looking in their eye
that's why flirting is around, mainly flirting will let him know that you like him
you know if a guy is flirting with you when he looks at you costantly and turns his head when you go to look at him also you know if he does stupid thing to impress you or if he does them in front of you
It is important for you to stress to him that you are not interested. Maybe he believes you are just playing hard to get. If he still insists on flirting you should talk to someone he respects and let them know.
get to know them and lots of flirting :D
You could start out with flirting.
He is probably just kidding lol :)
It means he wants someone else but is flirting with you as a second resort if the person he likes doesnt like him back
Well I think you will kind of know when a guy is flirting with you because like... If u know this guy who flirting with you doesn't usually talk to you this way like warm felt?... He may be flirting with you. If he tries to get close to you he obviously likes you, starts to make you laugh more, n hugs you but not like most people like he hugs you closer he likes you and is flirting with you. I hopes this helps sorry I combined both how do you know if he's flirting and if he likes you... Good luck!!!
nothing much