It means he wants someone else but is flirting with you as a second resort if the person he likes doesnt like him back
nothing much
that means hes just flirting with you but he really has feelings for someone else. hes most likely single and is livng the single life , most people who are single do a whole lot of flirting so dont think what hes doing is anymore than it actually is.
He is either wondering why; after showing almost all the signs he likes you back, you are now flirting with someone else or he thinks the two of you look cute together.
Not at all it just mean's your jealous, and that yes, even though you don't want to admit it you have some feelings for him and you don't like seeing someone else flirting with your "property." If you like him maybe you should make him your best friend again since he likes you before it's too late. If not don't get too worried, flirting with someone else is just his way of trying to get over you sinceyou donn't like him.
Flirting can be a way to express interest or attraction, but it does not always mean someone likes the other person. Flirting can also be done for fun, to be friendly, or as a way to boost one's confidence. The intentions behind flirting can vary from person to person.
boys when they flirt they tend to do it in a strange way [by bein mean] so most likelly he was flirting but that doesnt necessarally mean he likes likes u..
It might mean that he met someone else...
He dose not like you that all.
if he is trying 2 get your attention he likes u and flirting but if hes not he is being mean.
If he was laughing, then he was probably (in a way) flirting with you. Think of it... if it was someone else who poked him, would he smile?
Its means there flirting with you.
He is saying that he likes you but he also likes someone else.