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It could be an overgrowth in yeast in your body, called Candida. Look up the symptoms and see if it fits what you're describing. If you have taken at antibiotic in your life, chances are you have it.

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Q: You did sleep well why is eyes and body feeling tired and body hurts?
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Your body temperature is extremely hot you are tired all the time you dont sleep well blood tests are normal what could be wrong with you?

High body temperature, feeling tired and lack of sleep could be signs of malaria, insomnia, constipation or pneumonia. It is important to see a medical professional ASAP to get medication.

How do you say your body is so tired but your mind wont let me sleep in patois?


What happens to your body when you do not get enough sleep?

you fell tired

How the body recovers from physical activity?

by making u tired so u sleep. the body recovers when u sleep

What happens if you dont sleep?

First, you will become extremely tired. You will become very lathargic, and after a long enough period without sleep, you will simply crash onto whatever it is you are on, and your body will force you to go to sleep. Basically, in time, if you don't sleep, your body will make you. you will faint

How can sleep affect sporting performance?

Your body needs to rejuvenate its energy to be ready for the next day, game, etc. If you worked very hard for a long period of time, your body needs to replenish the proteins supply and get more glucose. If you don't sleep and allow your body to get rest, you will be physically and mentally tired and drained.

How do you sleep on your neck so it hurts the next day?

When we are sleep neck up over the body high then our neck pain.

What can tiredness be a symptom of?

Tiredness is often ones body telling them it is time to slow down and sleep. It could also be a symptom of a medical condition such as anemia, diabetes, sleep apnea and depression. One should see a doctor if they are feeling tired for a lengthy period.

How you sleep?

make your body tired,and take some fresh air deep into your lungs then go to bed you will get good sleep

Never drive when your body tells you?

to rest. It's important to prioritize sleep and avoid drowsy driving, as it can impair your reaction time and increase the risk of accidents on the road. If you're feeling tired, pull over in a safe location and take a break before continuing your journey.

Is it seriously bad that you only get 3 hours of sleep a night because you can not sleep at even if your not tired?

Yes, it is. Your body does need rest.

Why do you feel tired?

Yes, you can feel sick when you're tired and that's because with lack of rest or sleep, the brain gives off false signals that tell you you're not feeling well. Lack of sleep can make you feel disorintated and out of sorts; therefore good sleep or taking a nap might help to make you feel better. Try taking a brief nap--a half hour to an hour--and then see how you feel. Most likely, you will feel much better...