

Would you die without saliva

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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yes, because if you didn't have it then you would choke and it would be an uber challenge to eat crackers and bread! ^_^

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Would you die without saliva
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Would it be difficult to swallow without saliva in your mouth?

Yes it would... The saliva your mouth produces, provides 'lubrication' as the food is swallowed - making its transition to your stomach easier.

What if a person's food got infected by the saliva of a dog?

you would hllloucenate, then die.

Does saliva need to be present in order to taste food?

Yes, saliva is necessary to dissolve molecules in the food and allow them to interact with taste receptors on the tongue. Without saliva, taste would be impaired.

Where would you find your saliva?

You will find saliva in your mouth as you have saliva glads there.

What would you do without saliva?

food stuck between your teeth would stay there for longer because there wouldn't be liquid to help remove it.

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Chemical, caused by saliva, without saliva you cannot taste anything

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I would die!

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use your spit or saliva.

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I do believe the Dragon as he has toxic bacteria in his saliva. The Mastiff may not die right away, but die he will..Why would you ask this question anyway, do you have an agenda?

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you will die without it.

Is taste a physical or chemical change?

Chemical, caused by saliva, without saliva you cannot taste anything

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Without animals everyone would die unless you were a vegetarian.