Yes it would... The saliva your mouth produces, provides 'lubrication' as the food is swallowed - making its transition to your stomach easier.
well if u don't drink water u possibly can i would think
Without mucus you would swallow your tongue and it also keep your mouth wet oops sorry that's Saliva
Without saliva, the mouth would become dry, making it difficult to speak and swallow. Saliva also plays a crucial role in digestion by helping to break down food particles and maintain oral health by preventing tooth decay and controlling the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
I'm not positively certain - but if I would have to guess, I'd say it's obviously to keep your mouth moist and to help swallow food better - because I think it would be hard to swallow any kind of food with a dry mouth.
This is the most consistent method I have found for getting rid of hiccups. This only works though if you catch it early though. If you hold your breath and swallow three times you can get rid of your hiccups. I would advise building up saliva before so that it is easier to swallow. Swallow only about half of it the first time, swallow the last bit the second, and then build up more saliva so that you can swallow again.
Well if you didn't produce saliva, food would be pretty hard to chew. So it mostly mushes your food up more and makes it easier to swallow :)
The mouth would dry out completely, it would be impossible to talk and difficult to eat.
Yes, saliva is necessary to dissolve molecules in the food and allow them to interact with taste receptors on the tongue. Without saliva, taste would be impaired.
yes, because if you didn't have it then you would choke and it would be an uber challenge to eat crackers and bread! ^_^
You will find saliva in your mouth as you have saliva glads there.
food stuck between your teeth would stay there for longer because there wouldn't be liquid to help remove it.
It would be difficult to survive. If there will be no weather,it will be difficult to sustain in same conditions.