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Q: Worlds largest chin not a fat chin big because of the bone?
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What is your chin bone called?

The chin bone is called the mandible. It is the largest and strongest bone in the human face, and it forms the lower jaw.

What facial bone forms the chin?

The proximal end of the mandible or lower jawforms the underlying structure of the chin. The mental turerosity and the mental protruberance are the "inner curve" and "outer curve" of the jawline at the chin, respectively. Use the link below to see a drawing.

What is the name of the chin bone?

Your cheekbone is actually called the zygomatic process which is a combination of two bones your zygomatic bone and your temporal bone... but the bone you feel and see on your face is your zygomatic

How do you increase chin size without surgery?

what kind of question is this??? The chin is a bone, strengthen your jaw muscles, which won't be by much because they are pretty much at their potential from talking and chewing all day. Drink more milk if that bone feels to soft? Why would you want to strengthen your chin????

Where is your jaw line?

the bone connected to your chin

Which bone of the skull form the chin?

the orbital bone

Is their a jaw bone?

yes you have a jaw bone you can feel it if you put your squeeze your chin

What is your chin made of?

A human's chin is primarily made of bone, specifically the mandible bone. This bone helps to support the lower teeth and provide structure to the lower part of the face. Additionally, the chin may also contain some muscle and soft tissue.

Which is the worlds most quiet breed of dog known?

Chinese chin dog

Who has the worlds biggest chin?

the worlest biggest chin has now been found to be Dominic crooks as it measures a hole 3 centries long.

How can you get a cleft chin?

A cleft chin, also known as a "chin dimple," is a genetic trait that is formed by an indentation in the chin bone. It is typically passed down through family genetics, so if someone in your family has a cleft chin, you are more likely to have one as well. It is not something that can be acquired or developed through any specific action or procedure.

What is the medical term meaning chin bone?

the chin bone is actually the jaw bone and is called the mandible