

Where is your jaw line?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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the bone connected to your chin

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Q: Where is your jaw line?
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What is jaw line?

Jaw line- The lower edge of the side of the face (below the cheek); defined by the jawbone.

In which diseases there is receding jaw line?

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Where is jaw line in our body?

Along the chin from one ear to the other.

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Why might one receive a jaw implant?

There are couple of reasons one might get a jaw implant. The biggest reason most go through with this procedure is strictly cosmetic. Many want a more chiseled jaw line or more predominant facial structure.

Teeth line the upper jaw in a frog and are used to hold prey?

The teeth along the jaw of a frog are known as the maxillary teeth which are used for holding prey.

What is the jaw called?

Upper jaw is a maxilla, and the lower jaw is a mandible.

What is the difference between maxillary molar and mandibular molar?

Maxillary molars are the molars located in the upper jaw, while mandibular molars are the molars located in the lower jaw. Maxillary molars typically have three roots compared to mandibular molars, which usually have two roots. Additionally, the cusp patterns and occlusal anatomy of maxillary molars differ from mandibular molars.

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in his Jaw in his Jaw in his Jaw

What is the correct name for a jaw?

jaw/jaw bone idiot

What is jaw cancer?

jaw cancer is a type of jaw sickness.