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if you od, yes.

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Q: Will you throw up on ecstasy?
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How do you get sober fast after taking ecstasy?

I'm not completely sure if this works but a friend told me: Drink Milk

Do you normally throw up after taking ecstasy?

Yes if it is the real stuff, the majority of what goes around now is a totally different chemical compound.

What will make ecstasy show up in drag test?

taking ecstasy

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Do people put ecstasy up there butt?

Yes, it is supposedly the best way to get high off of ecstasy.

What is the asl sign for ecstasy?

Oh, dude, the ASL sign for ecstasy is signing "E-C-S-T-A-S-Y." It's like spelling out the word with your fingers. So, if you ever need to talk about partying in sign language, now you know how to throw up those letters like a boss.

If you kiss someone who is on ecstasy will it show up on your urine test?

Definitely not! Ha, you can have sex with somebody on ecstasy and it won't show up on a urine test.

Can you puke off ecstasy?

It does metabolise in your body and then excreted in urine. It can be detected for upto 3 days after use.

Why do you feel higher when you throw on ecstasy?

The same thing happens when you take acid, LSD, and mescaline when you throw up it pushes your brain to the top of your skull. So if your brains being pushed up its messing with all the chemicals in it that are making you high. If your not trying to trip that hard I'd advise you to prevent yourself from throwing up because trust me man it gets trippy. Also somtimes if you throw up on e you loose control of it & you can't stop puking and thats a really bad experience.

How do you regurgitate?

to throw up to throw up

Ecstasy makes you naucious?

Ecstasy itself usually does not make you nauscious. When u mix other drugs, especially alcohol, u will become nausious. Also if u drink to much vitamin C or drink to much water u can throw up. If ur gonna take e, do ur research first. Because its not something to mess around with.

Why does ecstasy cause chest pain?

because most ecstasy is methamphetamine based. which speeds up the heart rate and dialates blood vessels.