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Q: Will you forget everything if you get a concussion?
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What are signs of concussion and how do you begin to treat it?

The signs of concussion are if you forget where you are and who you are and even forget the people close to you or around you.

Will a concussion make you forget things?

most likely

Can you forget your friends when you have a concussion?

I once had one and no not really, just things about them but small things

What happens when you get a concussion?

when you get a concussion. you black out and don't remember anything. when you wake up you will be asking questions and everything and wont know where your at. then you will start remembering stuff as soon as your up.

When was Forget Everything You Know created?

Forget Everything You Know was created on 2001-04-01.

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What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

Will slapping your head make you forget stuff?

if you hit yourself hard enough to give yourself concussion, then yes, might help to got the doctor if it hurts

If you have a concussion can you take Valium?

Can you take Diazepam with concussion.

How long should you wait to work after getting a concussion?

Until you feel 100% better and can remember and do everything you could before

What are the weapons in ratchet and clank size matters?

Rhino,Dual Lacerators,Shock rocket,Suck Cannon,concussion gun,static barrier,mootator,and now i forget the rest.