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Q: Will a concussion make you forget things?
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Can you forget your friends when you have a concussion?

I once had one and no not really, just things about them but small things

What are signs of concussion and how do you begin to treat it?

The signs of concussion are if you forget where you are and who you are and even forget the people close to you or around you.

Will slapping your head make you forget stuff?

if you hit yourself hard enough to give yourself concussion, then yes, might help to got the doctor if it hurts

What recommendations might the Athletic Trainer make if an athlete sustains a concussion?

What recommendations might the Athletic Trainer make if an athlete sustains a concussion?

How to make girlfriend forget bad things?

Just compliment her on her hair.

How do you forget things easily?

get a hobby that is going to make you concentrated so much that you are unable to think of other things.

How can you make your boyfirend forget about your mess ups with them?

They may be able to forgive but they won't forget. All you can do is ask for forgiveness and apologize to him - take things from there.

Does you are not very haphazard because you usually forget thing make sense?

"You are not very haphazard because you usually forget things." doesn't make sense because someone who is 'not very haphazard' means someone who plans ahead. A person who forgets things (regularly) is someone who does not plan ahead. Alternative sentences that could make sense are:You are not very haphazard because you usually don'tforget things.I can tell you are not haphazard because you usually don't forget things.You are very haphazard and you usually forget things.I can tell you are very haphazard because you usually forget things.

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

Why can't I remember being in the hospital for 7 days?

Lots of reasons : - you had a concussion - you have been put in a coma - you had brain surgery - you have been abducted by aliens - you needed lots of sleep after a wild party - you tend to forget things - you are negating the fact that you have been in hospital etc.

How does medical injury's affect proformance in sport?

It affects the way you react to things... for instance if you get a concussion and you still have "concussion like symptoms" and if you get hit again and get another concussion that's some serious brain damage... they are trying to help keep everyone safe in the sports industry.

How do you motivate to quit smoking?

Do as many meaningful things as possible and do those things that will make you forget about smoking. (too busy to smoke) HAHA