yes and no. it all depends on your body. some people have it on the same time every month and some people start it at different dadys every month. like a week earlier, later, 2 weeks later. because of stress, diet, excercise.
Not necessarily. The start date of your period can vary based on your individual cycle length, which is typically around 28 days but can vary from person to person. It is not always on the first day of the month. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you predict when your period will arrive each month.
you are supposed to have your period every single month to shed the layer that would have protected your baby in the womb. When it is no longer needed it leaves through the vagina and the same will happen next month. So you should have your period every single month (unless on a medication that changes your cycle). If you don't have your period every month i would suggest seeing a doctor to talk about it.
usually you will start the pill the Sunday after your period begins. this will regulate your period so you will get it about the same time each month
It's normal for the length of a woman's period to vary from month to month. Anthing between about 26 days to 35 days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period is normal. It is not reasonable to expect your period to come on the same day every month. You know if you are pregnant if your period is a week late and your pregnancy test is positive.
You can try, and doing so might stop your period.
The period isn't the same length as a month, and even months arent all the same length. So the periods will happen with basically the same number of days between them, but this will be at different dates. On top of that the body isn't clockwork perfect, so the period can shift a little every now and then w/o any obvious reason.
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! Did you ever find out what causes it?
Getting my tubes tied did not make my period any heavier. It did make it a bit irregular. I used to have it same day every month like clockwork. Now it comes 2 days to a week early every month.
No. There is no way to make you start you period. Your body will start when it is ready. If you have been getting cramps then you are probably not too far from starting. Don't rush getting your period. You will have to deal with it for an entire week once a month every month for the rest of your life until you hit menopause so you will have plenty of excitement with your period later on! Just don't rush it!
Your period doesn't start on a specific calendar date, calendars are man-made and your menstrual cycle is controlled by nature/biology. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, the typical cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is normal - it's not possible for your periods to start the same day of the month every month.
If you are early every month by approximately the same amount of days, change your calendar. It is not unusual for young women or women on birth control to have a contracted menstuation calendar.