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No because if the boyfriend s_ucks their nipple the boyfriend gets the milk.

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Q: Will girls get milk if there boyfriend sucks there nipple?
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Are long nipples from breastfeeding normal?

Yes, this is normal. The nipple stretches as the baby sucks it towards the back of his/her mouth to draw the milk from the breast. The nipple will soon return to its normal shape.

How does a girls nipple produce milk?

During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause the milk-producing cells in a woman's breast to increase in number and size. After giving birth, the hormone prolactin stimulates these cells to produce milk, which is then secreted through the nipple in response to the baby's suckling.

What happens when a man sucks on your breasts?

It turns most girls on and makes them horny. Not all girls find it as a turn on though, it depends on the girl. you don't actually suck on the breast, you stimulate her nipples.

How does the nipple feed?

The nipple feeds by providing mother's milk for the infants. The milk is produced within the glands of the breast and come through the tip of the nipple.

Can you get hiv from sucking on a girls tit?

No, you cannot get any STDs from sucking on a person's nipple. However, you can get STD's through breast milk.

Does milk come out if guy sucks a girls breast and she is unmarried 24 years old if no why this happend?

Your probably prego or have been prego

Why is there a little dent in the center of your nipple?

There's a dent at the center of the nipple where milk comes out if needed.

Could the aids will spread by means of nipple?

If there are any small cuts or abrasions on the nipple, or if milk is sucked from the nipple, the aids virus could be transmitted.

Why do you have bumps around your nipple?

They are called milk glands(bumps) prepares baby's milk

Does milk come out if a guy sucks a girls breast?

No, milk will not come out of a woman's breasts unless she is currently lactating or breastfeeding a child. Sucking on a woman's breast does not trigger the production of milk.

Is it wrong if a boy sucks girls milk before marriage?

You really only do that while having sex, and it is wrong to have sex before marriage so yes it is wrong.

How do Bengal cubs get milk?

the nipple on the female boob area