That means you're gay.
Were all have 'bumps' in the dark area around the nipple. As to the tenderness, he may be responding to new surges in hormones now.
When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.
The ring around the nipple is called the areola. It is a circular area of pigmented skin surrounding the nipple and typically contains small bumps known as Montgomery glands. The areola plays a role in breastfeeding by helping the baby latch onto the nipple properly.
They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.
Pus is normally a sign of infection. You should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
The circle around a woman's nipple is called the areola. It is a darker, pigmented area of skin that surrounds the nipple and contains small bumps called Montgomery glands that secrete lubricating fluid during breastfeeding. The size and color of the areola can vary among individuals.
sounds like your pregnant...
some people certainly think so.
The bumps around a girl's nipple are typically Montgomery glands, which secrete oils to keep the area lubricated and protected. These bumps are a normal part of the breast anatomy and are not a cause for concern.
It is called the areola.
A nipple is a nipple, simple as that. The sometimes darker // pinker skin around the nipple is called the aureole.