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Yes, sauna and alcohol could cause serious problems see the links attached. If you drink alcohol avoid the sauna.

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Q: Will drinking alcohol when getting a sauna or massage cause problems?
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Should you not drink alcohol after a massage?

Not before and not after (1-2hrs) Massage increases circulation, so drinking before would increase circulation of alcohol through body, but at the same time it relaxed the mind and body, which can make you feel dizzy and very sick. Drinking after a massage will just make you feel more tired and "off", putting more toxins in body while massage decreases them. Drink on a different day On you spa day, drink fresh squeeze juices, organic tea, and filtered non-bottled water.

Why does massages dehydrate you?

Massage does not dehydrate you. Massage therapy circulates your blood and lymph moving along metabolic waste so it is a good idea to drink water after a massage to help clean out your system. Experienced massage therapists can also tell if you are dehydrated because the tone and elasticity of your tissue changes when you have not been drinking enough water. It is very common for people to be dehydrated and many massage therapists recommend drinking water after receiving massage.

Are massage chairs bad for you?

No. They are not bad for you. Getting a massage on a massage chair is a bit different than lying on a table. For example, the massage will be shorter and will focus more on rejuvenating and energizing you so you can feel refreshed rather than sedated, which is more likely going to happen in a longer massage. If you are a practitioner, then they are not bad for you as long as you know how to use them and set your massage program. Also, which brand are you buying. I own a massage chair from OSIM which I use regularly and it hasn't caused any problems for me. OSIM Massage Chairs are really worth the spend.

When not to have a massage?

There are a million things you shouldn't do while having a massage. Or while your getting one.

Will a massage with rubbing alcohol harm the baby?

No it will not reach the baby if that is what you are afraid of.

How to give a good massage with pleasure?

You can give a good massage with pleasure by making sure to give a massage in all the spots where the person is having problems at.

Why is your mom moaning at night?

because she is getting a massage

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Can a massage be conducted with alcohol what are the indication and contraindication of alcoholic massage?

No, massage of any sort is contraindicated for a client (or therapist, for that matter) under the influence of alcohol. Massage can increase local circulation and move/flush toxins in the body. Because of this, the alcohol in a person's blood can be pushed through the liver and brain at an increased rate, causing further damage than the alcohol would have in the first place. This includes a person with a severe hangover, since many toxins and even some alcohol are still present in the person's system. Aside from all that, if you didn't already have a hangover, it would give you one. And it makes an existing one worse.

How would one with insomnia best get to sleep?

One with insomnia would best get to sleep by taking a warm bath, getting a massage, listening to music, and drinking herb tea. You can also drink warm milk, which will help.

What can you do as a man to comfort your pregnant woman?

Dont give her alcohol. Lay there and talk to her. Give her a foot massage or a back massage. Fix her dinner or take her out. Do something fun with her

How many hours of massage per week is safe?

It's completely safe. An unlimited number of hours could be dedicated to getting a massage.