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No. Swelling up is not a gall bladder symptom.

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Q: Will a gallbladder cause you to swell?
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Related questions

What can cause pain in the gallbladder?

Gallstones cause pain and blockage in the gallbladder. More rarely, a person can get cancer of the gallbladder, but this is very rare.

Does pregnancy cause your feet to swell?

Pregnancy may cause your feet to swell.

What would cause the gallbladder to shrink?

whay caused a gallbladder to shrink

What causes small gallbladder?

A small gallbladder can be caused by congenital abnormalities, inflammation, scarring from previous surgeries, or other conditions like cholecystitis or liver disease. It may not necessarily cause symptoms or require treatment unless it leads to complications like gallstones or impaired bile flow.

What can cause blood passages to swell?

Infections causes it to swell

When you crack your knuckles do your hands swell?

No. Cracking your knuckles does not cause your hands to swell.

Can oatmeal cause gallbladder attacks?

No, not at all. Gallbladder pain is usually triggered by fatty or spicy foods.

What are the benefits of gallbladder removal?

Removing the gallbladder will stop the pain and stop the future complications caused by gallstones. If gallstones are not treated, pain and infection can get worse and the gallbladder may perforate which is a life-threatening situation. Gallbladder stones are also the leading cause of jaundice and pancreatitis. On the other hand, gallbladder stones are also carcinogenic i.e. having the potential to cause gallbladder cancer in long run. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery in Kolkata

What can cause your thumb to swell and then go black and blue?

if u hit is hard on something it will swell.

What solution that causes a cell to swell cause of osmosis?

A hypotonic solution, with a lower solute concentration compared to the inside of the cell, causes water to move into the cell via osmosis. This influx of water makes the cell swell and potentially burst if the osmotic pressure becomes too high.

Can gallbladder problems cause pain under the left ribs?

Gallbladder problems typically manifest as pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, as the gallbladder is located under the liver on the right side. Pain under the left ribs is less likely to be caused by gallbladder issues and may be attributed to other conditions such as gastritis, pancreatitis, or muscle strain. Consulting a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation is recommended to determine the root cause of the pain.

What is the name for large gallbladder?

Cholecystitis is the medical term used to describe an enlarged gallbladder. This will cause pain and you will most likely have to have it removed.