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whay caused a gallbladder to shrink

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Q: What would cause the gallbladder to shrink?
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No. An isotonic solution would not cause a cell to shrink, because the concentration of water in the solution and inside the cell is the same. A hypertonic solution would cause a cell to shrink.

What can cause pain in the gallbladder?

Gallstones cause pain and blockage in the gallbladder. More rarely, a person can get cancer of the gallbladder, but this is very rare.

Which type of solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink?

A hypertonic solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink. In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of solutes outside the cell is higher than inside, leading to water leaving the cell by osmosis, causing it to shrink.

Can a bad gallbladder cause heartburn?

I would say yes. there are lots of things that can cause heartburn. even though the problem is not in your heart.

What would be the cause of burpping for hours?

Nervous habits or some medical conditions, such as an ulcer or a gallbladder problem.

What is in beer that would stop filtering and storing of toxins so that it would cause build-up to cause pancreatitis?

It is gallstones in the gallbladder that can cause toxins to stay in your system. This can lead to pancreatic cancer.

The ingestion of a meal high in fat content would cause what to occur?

bile would be released from the gallbladder to emulsify the fat in the duodenum

Can oatmeal cause gallbladder attacks?

No, not at all. Gallbladder pain is usually triggered by fatty or spicy foods.

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How does deposition affect mountains?

Deposition and erosion can wear down a mountain and cause it to shrink.

What are the benefits of gallbladder removal?

Removing the gallbladder will stop the pain and stop the future complications caused by gallstones. If gallstones are not treated, pain and infection can get worse and the gallbladder may perforate which is a life-threatening situation. Gallbladder stones are also the leading cause of jaundice and pancreatitis. On the other hand, gallbladder stones are also carcinogenic i.e. having the potential to cause gallbladder cancer in long run. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery in Kolkata

Where are gallstones located if your gallbladder is removed?

If your gallbladder was removed, any gallstones would be removed with it. The gallbladder is a lot like a pouch, and the stones would be enclosed inside of it.