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Being a victim of sexual assault, or rape, can result in complex psychological issues, including a sense of isolation and a lack of self-worth - both of which can lead to sex addiction and increased risk taking. Any form of sexual assault is a traumatic experience and a victim should never feel ashamed about seeking help / counselling.

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Q: Why would you become addicted to sex after being sexually abuse?
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Why should you care about child abuse?

Child abuse is not only wrong but it can scar the children for life. They can become horrified by people, even their own parents because they were being abusive. If you were a child that was being abused, you probably wouldn't like it.

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No. Child abuse is sexually exploiting the child, that is not happening here - she is just being exposed to it. Because she was not forced to watch it happen, she just walked in, it is not a case of either child abuse or endangerment.