You can become addicted to both Wich causes kidney, brain, and heart problems. Being addicted will also cause you to lose alotnof money.
ATM Alcohal,Tobacco,Marijuana
alcohal i think
Cocaine has the largest effect on the body.
bad character may poorly impact your health. for example if you are a character who takes drugs, then your health will be negatively affected. ---- Troubles produce patience Patience produces character Character produces hope
no.i am listining to metallica and other metal bands since i was 7 and i hate drugs and even alcohal
'Drugs' did not impact Elvis Presley's songs. Firstly, Elvis was not a song writer. Secondly, his use of drugs was limited to prescribed medication strictly, and they negatively affected his mood, his health, and to some extent his stage performances.
Drugs are bad for your health.
High gamma gt increases due to exessive alcohal intake or some of drugs this can be reduced by avoiding exessive alcohal and oily/faty items. To control high GGT it is better to take Live-52 DS tablets Of Himalaya drugs
Depends on the drug used. Certain drugs like marijuana can have little impact whereas drugs such as cocaine and heroin can ruin lives
can drugs be shot up between a persons toes
they are not