All drugs are ; heroins the worst though!
No not at all
The worst thing drugs can do is to cause death. Drugs can cause brain damage and many other health and social problems. Some may say that damage done by drugs is worse that death because it lasts the rest of your life.
I think we both know the answer to this. Anabolic Steroids.
drugs,smoking,drink too much
ben cousins because he changed team and did drugs
It can happen, with some drugs and with enough abuse. Alcohol can age people, and probably the worst currently is crystal meth.
burnswick in Brooklyn
Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities
The worst drug available- alcohol. There are others, but alcohol is the most common.
Violence, drugs, and a breakdown of the family are some of the worst aspects of our modern world.