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It could be that they have STRESS in there life and that the INTERNET gives them peacefulness upon themselfs. the reason that they may LIE about it might be that they wish to keep it to themselves to give them reinsurance about there peacefulness.

Another REASON could be that what they might be doing is wrong. so they would want to keep to themselves, because they may fear the outcome of YOU FINDING OUT, so they keep it to themselves.

It may even be that they find it irrelevant for you to know what the truth is, so they just keep it to themselves and lie about it because they find it IRRELEVANT for you to know the truth.

The only other reason that I know of is that it could be that they want you to be curious to cause a scene. I WOULD HATE TO THINK THAT THIS IS TRUE. There are other reasons, however these are the four main reasons. I hope this helps.

Yours truly


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Q: Why would someone lie about what there doing when there on the internet?
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