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It makes you feel foolish (if you believed the lie), mad (that someone would even lie to you) or happy (that someone would lie to you to not hurt your feelings). It depends on the situation.

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Q: How does it feel to be lied to?
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If your mum had a horrible boyfriend and she lied to you what do you do?

Stop whining about her boyfriend, be mature, & explain how you feel about the situation. Have a serious talk. Don't shout & don't tell her how to feel about her boyfriend. Communicate & express how you feel. Tell her it hurt you when she lied to you.

How did you feel if someone had lied to you about something important?

i was very angry and upset but i told them how i felt and then we talked it out and it got resolved and they never lied to me again but lots of people are different.

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You may still feel guilty because that lie could have hurt someone. That someone could even be you. Telling the truth was the first step. Suffering the consequences is the second. Third: Forgiving yourself. -I disagree with the above. When you lied you did something wrong. Feeling guilty is a result of this. To not feel guilty you have to be truly sorry you did something wrong and ask forgiveness of the person you lied to. Asking forgiveness of God is something I would also recommend, as He doesn't hold with lying, and is more important than the person you lied to.

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Show them how bad it made you feel and ask them why they lied even though you asked them to tell the truth. Also ask them to really not lie from now on and when you feel like they are lying after you asked something, repeat the question to give them a chance to think again.

Can you get an annulment because you feel your spouse lied to you before going to prison?

Maybe. It would depend on whether it really was a lie or whether it just felt like a lie, and what the lie was about. For example, if the spouse lied about his name, it could be grounds for annulment. If the spouse lied about a prior relationship, it would not.

If you lied to get a job and got that job would you then be living in a state of lying?

I would think so, if I was in that position I would tell my boss I lied and then if your boss let's you keep your jobgreat! If not then at least you're not in a "state of lying" as you put it.Yes, you would feel guilty for having that job because you lied.

I met a friend online and i lied to her which i feel terrible about but now I'm trying to find a way to tell her i lied but i still want to be friends with her so How do i tell her?

Trust should be there in every relationship. So, just tell her that you lied to her . If she considers you a good friend she will definitely forgive you and you cans still be friend with her.

Should you dump your boyfriend if he lied to you?

Not necessarily. EVERYONE lies, so don't hold it over his head or act like you've never lied before. However, if it was a lie you feel is too big or if you feel like you'll never be able to trust him again, break up with him so you don't waste his time.

What is the past tense for lies?

The past tense of 'lies' is 'lied'.

My friend invited her boyfriend to see a moive with her- the one I invited her to and she said she denied him but then he was there and then she gave me an empty apology so what should I do?

Well you should tell her how you feel tell her that she lied and ask her why she lied.~ Hi, i'm duckyfan, the asker. I would tell her that but whenever I ask her about it, she gets mad at me. This girl has lied to me before, and she never really apologizes. If I ask her, she'll just say sorry, and then she'll say something to make me feel bad, like 'i have to go, you are making me feel sad.' should I, like confront her, or just let the friendship go?

How do you say you lied in french?

You can say "Tu as menti" in French, which means "you lied."