Not necessarily. EVERYONE lies, so don't hold it over his head or act like you've never lied before. However, if it was a lie you feel is too big or if you feel like you'll never be able to trust him again, break up with him so you don't waste his time.
dump him?
If you want to but remember, you did the same to him.
That is impossible, if he is "my" boyfriend then he can not be dumbed by you.
yes because he lied to you and he didnt tell u the right thing he lied if my boyfriend lied to me i would spat him
you should dump him
you should talk to your boyfriend face to face and ask him why he lied. then you should ask him if he wants to still be together. Remember part of a relashonship is getting through problems together!
Dump him.
Dump your boyfriend
dump him move on
It depends on what he lied on. If he lied on having another affair with another person, dump him. if he lies to you about anything to do with your relationship or what he was doing, let's say "last night", just dump him.
If your boyfriend got mad when you discovered that he is a cheat, and hit back by waging accusations against you, simply dump him, and wait for a faithful person.
If he's good-looking keep him around for awhile, if not, dump him immediately.