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The Gallbladder would be green due to the dark green bile which is stored there.

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Q: Why would a gallbladder be white in color?
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Related questions

What is the colour of gallbladder?

A healthy gallbladder is blue-green color.

What is the most common house color?

I would think that white would be the color.

If happiness were a color what color would it be?

blue It will be White

Why is the color of the white house white?

Yes. Also if you think about it what other color would they do.

What would cause the gallbladder to shrink?

whay caused a gallbladder to shrink

Where are gallstones located if your gallbladder is removed?

If your gallbladder was removed, any gallstones would be removed with it. The gallbladder is a lot like a pouch, and the stones would be enclosed inside of it.

What is the first color that ever came out?

The color would be white

What color is the gallbladder of a frog?

Greenish i think

What color kittens would you get from two white cats?

You would get all white kittens.

Which comes first in terms of a color palette white black or black white?

On a color palette, it would be white then black. White is the absence of color. Black is a mix of all colors.

White hard balls in stool?

The main cause of white hard balls in the stool is a gallbladder problem. You may have gallstones or your gallbladder may be inflamed so it is best to seek medical attention.

Does having your gallbladder removed make you fat?

No. That would not be a side effect of gallbladder removal.