It could happen for large ammounts of dxm which are sometimes confused as pcp, also ketamine can show up as pcp in cheap drug tests
It doesn't. In our hospital, many, many individuals on Effexor have undergone drug tests (for reasons having nothing to do with Effexor) and none of them have shown positive for PCP or other substances on the drug screens (unless they were taking those drugs, as well).
Effexor does not test positive for any substances on a urine drug screen.
It could happen for large ammounts of dxm which are sometimes confused as pcp, also ketamine can show up as pcp in cheap drug tests
Yes, PCP will show up on a regular drug test. I'm assuming when you say 'regular drug test' you mean a five panel drug test right? If so, then yes, and since it's tested for on a five panel drug test, it's also tested for in a ten panel drug test, twelve panel, etc. The short answer would be, yes, if you take a drug test and PCP is in your system, it will show up.
No, it does not. It is an antiviral medication.
yes, but it is out of your system with in 3 - 7 days
crystal clean will show up as pcp on a drug screen does not show up as PCP. But it does in fact show up as an Amphetamine.
It can cause a false positive for PCP or Opiates depending on the quality of the test.
No, methadone is very different from pcp, it is an opiate(related to heroin, morphine, oxycodone, etc...) however, it will not show up on tests as an opiate. They would have to specifically test for Methadone. It is becoming more common to test for everything, though.
The most common drugs which can be detected on a drug test are; marijuana, cocaine, PCP, amphetamines and opiates.
Never heard of it. I take effexor and I am drug tested monthly and never failed.