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The pulse is checked on the wrist because there is an artery near the surface of the skin that can be easily felt.

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Q: Why to check pulse on inside of wrist?
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Is there a pulse on the inside of your wrist?


What the nurse do when places her fingers on your wrist?

They check your pulse

Where do hey check your pulse?

At your wrist or along the side of your neck At your wrist or along the side of your neck

How can you say someones heartbeat?

You check their pulse, usually at the wrist or at the neck

Where in your body can you check your pulse?

Your wrist and the side of your neck.

What is the pulse in your wrist called?

Tibial pulse or more technically the Tibialis posterior pulse.

Where do you check your pulse?

You can check your pulse by putting two fingers on your wrist, or putting two fingers on the side of your neck. Either place works for checking your pulse. but i would try the neck first.

How do you check a pulse?

If you're checking your own pulse, you can check either wrist, where you might see the throbbing of the pulse, or either side of your neck, using the minute hand of your watch, for a minute. IF you are checking someone else's pulse, the same principles apply as use above. Just be careful not to use your thumb to check wrist pulses or you might actually be counting your own.

What is the name of the artery in your wrist where you check your pulse?

The radial artery is the one that is used to take a pulse at the wrist.

What is the name of the artery located on the bottom of the wrist that is used when taking a pulse?

That is the Volar Radial Carpal artery, or just Radial artery, for short.

How is pulse diagnosis practiced in Western medicine?

doctors check the pulse of patients by placing their hands on the wrist and by listening to the pulse at various points on the body with a stethoscope.

How can tell if the baby heart beep at weeks 2?

check pulse in wrist or neck