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Your wrist and the side of your neck.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

Should the pulse feel the same on both sides of your neck

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Q: Where in your body can you check your pulse?
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When is the best time to check your pulse to determine the intensity of your workout?

Do 5 minutes of stretchs to get the body going and then after check your pulse !

How is pulse diagnosis practiced in Western medicine?

doctors check the pulse of patients by placing their hands on the wrist and by listening to the pulse at various points on the body with a stethoscope.

What instrument is needed to take a person's pulse?

You can use your fingers to check the any pulse in your body, just apply the fingers in the correct positions of the pulse locations and there you have it.

The best place to check the pulse in infent is at the?

The brachial pulse located on the upper arm on the side closest to the body between the muscle.

What is the pulse in your wrist called?

Tibial pulse or more technically the Tibialis posterior pulse.

What can you use to check your pulse?

The B.P. equipment can be used to check your pulse.

What equipment can you use to check your pulse?

The B.P. equipment can be used to check your pulse.

Why check carotid pulse in CPR?

When people go into cardiac arrest, their body usually cuts off most circulation to their extremities to keep the core of their body alive. So, a patient could have a very weak or absent radial pulse but they may still have a carotid pulse. it is also used to compare the radial pulse to the carotid pulse. You should check for a carotid pulse every few minutes, at the same time check for breathing, coughing, and moving. Don't check it more often than that as stopping chest compressions can waste precious time. Continue CPR if there is no breathing or pulse, ect.

How often should you stop CPR to check a pulse?

Do not stop CPR to check for a pulse.

Why does a doctor check pulse on your foot?

The doctor is checking one of several pulse points. These points can tell her if there is good blood flow to a body part such as the leg and foot in this case.

What pulse should you check in infant BLS?

A pulse check is performed on the brachial artery for an infant.

How long is the initial pulse check when doing CPR?

When performing a pulse check on an Infant or Child, check for a maximum of 10 seconds. For lay CPR, no pulse check is required for an adult.