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Rubbing alcohol is very drying and can be irritating to the skin. It can actually burn the skin and cause the temperature to fluctuate. It is important to get the person suffering from heat exhaustion out of the sun and cool them down. One of the fastest ways to do that is to put cool packs under the armpits, between the thighs and on the forehead and neck. Do not put super cold packs on them. Cool is better. Replace the cool packs often. A light going over the entire body with cool wash clothes is good as long as the person is not shivering or getting shocky. It is a good idea to take the person to a doctor while you have the cool packs on them. Do not use any sort of chemicals, creams, butter or other things on their skin. Watch for odd behaviors and symptoms.

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Q: Why should rubbling alcohol not be used applied to skin for heat exhaustion?
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