What ending should this word have? predict-
An "able" one.
A word beginning and ending with A is area.
can you list towns ending with the word Thorpe
Yes, in painstaking, the ending would be taking.
What ending should this word have? predict-
An "able" one.
The exhaust pipe was leaking.
Passerby is a compound word ending in by.
The exhaust from the car in the closed garage killed him.
· earnest · earshot · easiest · elegant · element · elitist · entrust · escheat · evident · excerpt · exhaust · exhibit · exploit · extract
A word beginning and ending with A is area.
can you list towns ending with the word Thorpe
Yes, in painstaking, the ending would be taking.
Exhaust means to drain a person of their mental or physical resources or use up resources completely. Another word for exhaust is fatigue. Other words for exhaust include drain, overtire, and deplete.
Exhaust manifolds should be covered by warranties.