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Preventative habits are healthy habits that help you maintain good health. Exercising regularly and eating healthy foods are preventative habits that help improve your health and help you avoid illness.

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10y ago

One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That is an old saying that is still true.

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Q: Why preventative habits are important in mantaning good health?
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Why is it important to follow proper health habits while still young?

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Epidemiology is the science of the study of effects and causes of health and disease on population groups. It is important for public health, identifying risk factors and preventative medicine.

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Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life

Why are preventative health care programs such a free flu shots essential communities?

Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life

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There are many habits that can help prevent cancer. The most important ones are not smoking and getting plenty of exercise.

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Education and Preventive legislation :)))))

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During pregnancy, it is important to maintain good health habits and avoid things such as alcohol and tobacco.

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Why is health education important?

Health education is very important for human beings because it makes us aware of the status of our health.It lets us to know that what is dangerous for our health and what is essential for our health.

How to Ensure a Lifetime of Health Teeth?

Dental health is intricately involved with overall physical health. Individuals with healthy teeth are more confident in their interactions with other people. Taking simple steps today can help to ensure a lifetime of healthy dental habits and results. Finding a dentist you are comfortable with and making an appointment every six months for a cleaning and preventative screening can alert a dentist to minor problems before they become major. Brushing twice a day or after eating as well as flossing all contribute to healthy dental habits.

What is the difference of Health Habits and Food Habits?

health habit means you exercise while food habit means eat balance diet