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they should have a longer recess more physical work allot more healthy and less stress.

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Q: Why kids should not have longer recess?
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More recess or less recess?

i think we kids should have a longer recess because we need a brain break form 4 hours and 40 minutes of learning. i think we should have 30 minutes of recess.

Why should kids have a longer recess?

because the get good exercise and its the heart healthy.

Can you expain to me why sould kids have longer recess?

Kids should have longer recess because it allows them to release energy, engage in physical activity, and socialize with their peers. Longer recess periods have been shown to improve focus and concentration in the classroom, as well as promote overall well-being and academic performance.

Should kids have longer or more resses?

Recess? Absolutely! Kids need to run and play, blow off excess energy, and the idea of eliminating recess from the school day is incredibly wrong-minded and unhealthy.

Should kids have recess?


Why is it bad to have shorter recess time for children?

Schools are wasting money on equipment they don't need, only kindergarten should get that and schools are wasting time on recess when they should be educating the kids. Their totally missing the point of school; giving kids an education. They should get like two minute breaks throughout the day but not half an hour or one hour recesses with basketballs, footballs, and other play equipment!!!!

Should kids have extra recess and why?

I don't think they should have an extra one because the reason why they got to school is to learn Japan and China have their kids go to school way longer than us and they only get Sunday off in some schools. We only think this way because we are Americans and only think about more more more.

Should bad kids get recess?

No! BAd boy!

Why should children have a longer recess?

Children should have a longer recess because it gives them more time to get just right active, and ready and excited for the next lesson.

Why kids should have longer recess periods?

they should because so they can have an healthier heart instead of a unhealthy heart.They can live and have a good life for example you should run do exercises but not in school only in recess. it's because you can have breaks from school and can socialize with your friends. If they make it longer then that will cause students to learn and pay attention. Also did you know that with a longer recess children can be 5 percent more on task and 9 percent lest fidgety.

Should kids get no recess?

They should because if they been in school a long time they need their break which is lunch and recess and it will keep them happy.

Should kids be able to play sports at recess?

because it gives the children a wider variaty of things to do at recess