Recess? Absolutely! Kids need to run and play, blow off excess energy, and the idea of eliminating recess from the school day is incredibly wrong-minded and unhealthy.
they should have a longer recess more physical work allot more healthy and less stress.
Because they thought that the kids should go first because their younger, therfore they have a longer life to life. The adults were older so they were put on the life boats after all the kids were on boats.
yes because people will relax more and that funcion in our experiment the kids start to get better grades
Yes they should!!! Kids should have more time to enjoy life and having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think they should have an extra one because the reason why they got to school is to learn Japan and China have their kids go to school way longer than us and they only get Sunday off in some schools. We only think this way because we are Americans and only think about more more more.
some kids need to focus more on their class work other then socializing at lunch
Yes, because adults should give kids allowance to see if the kids are responcible, it worked for me
it depends on which has been around longer and kids like more.
no more than two. kids are moneysuckers you should have as many as u want
i think we kids should have a longer recess because we need a brain break form 4 hours and 40 minutes of learning. i think we should have 30 minutes of recess.
since kids usually use cell phones more than adults, and since they will have them longer, it is more likely.
Not so much weekends. He is saying the school year might need to be longer or more hours per day.