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because some people dont like being touched its best if you feel anxious around people its better to use your strategies like touch myself instead of putting my hands on someone else

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Q: Why it is important to keep your hand to yourself?
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Georgia Sattelites (Keep your Hand to Yourself)

Why is it important to keep yourself clean 5 thing?

because otherwise you will get infected...

What is working to keep people well before they get sick?

The best way to keep yourself well is good hand hygiene!!!! If you are taking care of yourself, such as getting proper and healthy nutrition, adequate sleep, exercise, etc.....your immune system should be in great shape. The number one thing to keep yourself from getting sick is washing your hands by either soap and water or hand sanitizer.

Why is important for humans to eat?

your body needs energy and fat to keep yourself alive

What are important principles of hand washing?

One of the important principles of hand washing is to rid germs off of the things you touch. Washing your hands will also keep you healthy.

What does the lines in the palm of your hand mean?

Those lines mean nothing when you were born you had very little lines it was just where you closed your hand. nothing important. Listen to yourself not your hand!

What is the Most Important Lesson You've Learned In Life?

You're the only one who'll be with you till your death! So keep yourself happy first and make yourself as first priority!

When was Keep It for Yourself created?

Keep It for Yourself was created in 1991.

When was Give Yourself a Hand created?

Give Yourself a Hand was created on 1999-03-23.

What was the death rate in America in 2009?

The death rate has dropped in 2009. The life expectancy is 78 yeards old. Keep yourself heathly, and taking care of yourself is extremely important. Eating right is very important.

What is the duration of Keep It for Yourself?

The duration of Keep It for Yourself is 2400.0 seconds.

When addressing a caller with a highly sensitive and personal issue it is important to?

do your best to avoid the issue at hand so as not to embarrass the caller or yourself