You're the only one who'll be with you till your death! So keep yourself happy first and make yourself as first priority!
Life teaches its Lesson to us. Every lesson is very important to understand.
To enjoy life while he can
By using flashback, the author takes us from an adult perspective looking back to a time when a life lesson needed to be learned about how we treat people. We all learn life lessons as we grow and change as part of our passage from child to adult. Life lessons teach us about ourselves and our connection to others in the real world. I imagine the author's purpose in using this technique was to bring out this point thereby enhancing the story.
A story with a moral at the end which teaches one a life lesson is called A Fable. This is a story where one does something wrong or sins and learns how to correct his ways towards the ends of the story.
The moral of the story is about judging a person by his/her appearance without knowing what's behind those that they see .
Only you can answer this question. We don’t know what you learned.
The moral lesson learned from the apple tree story is that patience and perseverance are important virtues that lead to success and fulfillment in life.
is that she never cared what people gosip or talked about her she did what she wanted to do
I have learned that life is not pointless.
The lesson learned is that no matter how hard life can be at times it gets better. Your veiw of normal comes into play. :)
Selena Gomez learned that she should not date younger people
don't go on ships
That WAR Is Very Very Bad ?! :)
The lesson in my life is Walk your own path, Don't hesitate when you should act, Experience what you have learned, Good things don't come easy.
freedom is important
This sign indicates that a lesson has been learned. It is a sign of acknowledgment and achievement - You have learned a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn about your life.
That life is short and precious, and we must not take drugs ever.