Because it is ok stop hassling me why did you even ask this you sick idiot
You have a problem
you turn green and purpel go pop and shout wee wee wee all the way home.
peanut butter
The person on WeeWorld who has the most green points is XxSuperModelxX. She has over 46,000 green right now.
Because people don't pay attention to WEE-GEE. Also because he likes green.
its username : nick0987 password:jonas1013 their you go he has 1,000 gold points and 5,00000 green points its 100% it work try it
where you put the wee wee pads on your knickers and you wee wee into them its like a nappy
Eric Partridge records this in his A Dictionary of Slang,1937, as "Wee-wee, a urination; esp. do a wee-wee" and considers it to be late 19th century.
In the Wee Wee Hours... was created in 1987.
Wee Wee Monsieur was created in 1938.
it depends on if the dog went "wee wee" or "poo poo" if they did the second one pic it up ASAP the wee wee pad can withstand a few "wee wee's"