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It means that he is either afraid of you for some reason, or he might be really into you, so he acts weird around you.

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If a guy looks scared when he's around you, it means that he's scared of you, or he likes you but doesn't know if you like him back.

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It means that he's not ready for a relationship

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Q: Why is the outgoing guy shy around you?
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Why is it that this guy that's normally outgoing shy around me looks at me a lot and doesn't talk to me?

The guy that is normally outgoing but is usually shy while looking at you and does not talk to you is because he likes you and he is afraid to tell you so.

Will an inexperienced outgoing guy be shy around the girl he likes?

It depends on how much he really cares about

Can a confident outgoing guy act shy around a shy quiet girl he likes?

Yes he because if he truly like her than he can.

What does it mean when a outgoing guy is suddenly shy around you?

It obviously means he gets a bit uncomfortable around you which means he likes you.

Does that mean a guy is shy if he can say hi to everyone including strangers in an outgoing way but not to you?

It means that he is shy towards you. That could mean that he likes you, or he is uncomfortable around you.

Can that mean the outgoing guy really like you if he is very shy and nervous only around you?

that's a sighn that hes shy with relationships,i think he would like u

Do girls like boys who are shy?

Depends on the personality of the girl... if the girl is outgoing she will most likely go for a guy who is more outgoing also,,,,, but if she wants to be the more dominate person in the relationship she will go for a shy guy. If the girl is shy the guy will most likely have to ask her out so the guy will have to handle that one!

Do shy boys like shy or outgoing girls better?

It really changes from one guy to another. I would say that "most" shy boys like outgoing girls, but not everyone will agree.

Why is the outgoing guy only shy around you?

Because when he's with you he doesn't want to say anything wrong so he doesn't say anything at all... My boyfriend is really outgoing and today after school he was really hyper.. So he was all over and talking to everybody BUT ME. His friend told me that is was probably because he didn't want to anoy me.. Haha hope it helped a little (;

Why does the outgoing guy you like say hi to you different than he does to others?

If he acts shy around you, he could possibly like you. Talk to him :)

Is outgoing not being shy or being shy?

If you are outgoing you are not shy.

How do you not be shy around a guy?

sort of a hard question to answer... if you're a naturally shy person, and that's the sort of personality you have, don't try to change yourself. If you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing. difficult if you want a guy to notice you tho, depends if he is shy too, if he is, great =) if not, try to do little things that he might notice without being too out there. watch hitch - will smith gives out good advice in that movie!