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It is because the water in your body, then it is not needed needs to go through all the intestines so by then, when it comes out as urine, there is dirt and other stuff in it.

It means you haven't had enough water.

Your urine is meant to be a light strawberry colour to a clear colour. + your brain works better when your hydrated, you can work better!

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13y ago

well one of the reason might be that you are not drinking enough water or sweating too much.

If that is not your problem then you might be having increased rate of Hemoglobin breakdown which produces a pigment called Bilirubin. the increased rate of Hb breakdown will result in an increased Bilirubin level in blood an urobilinogen in urine making it yellow.


you might be having an obstuctive jaundice. in which your bile dict is obstructed by some reason and Bile cant pass into the small Intestine. but in this case you might be having yellow discoloration of sclera, mucous membranes, nail beds, skin etc.

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12y ago

Urine is yellow in part due to bilirubin. Bilirubin is broken down blood proteins, and it has a brownish tint and shows up as yellow in urine. Excessive bilirubin in the urine is a sign of blood or liver problems.

Taking B-complex vitamins can make urine a bright yellow, and this is quite safe unless you are really megadosing. B-complex helps protect the liver.

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You have to many vitamins

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