Women invest a lot of themselves into their children. Some women want to keep the connection they have with their child instead of letting the relationship evolve. Probably insecure and thinks she's loosing her son.
yes. you are not blood related so there is no problem.
I have a good feeling either my boyfriends mom did or this girl that was jelouse did but if so would the hospita
Girls have boyfriends because boys can easily get boyfriends just like how girls can get girlfriends so girls get boyfriends to prevent boys from getting boyfriends and girls from getting girlfriends.
You can hang out with your boyfriends's friend but it is not advisable to d so.
Has had 7 boyfriends but 4 are to be rumors so I'm not sure
Has had 7 boyfriends but 4 are to be rumors so I'm not sure
well you can't let people tell you when to get over him and you just have to get over him in your own time so just try not to think about it and know that you have someone so much better out there for you !
Yeah because she is under 18 so she's still under her mom's control. Your mom should warn the police to get her back.
tell them stop and move over i need space
they be jealous
Maybe it is because they are emotionally attached to them and are willing to do anything to keep them with them.
He was too possessive so I ended the relationship.The tiger was possessive of her territory.