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Q: Why is it important to avoid smoking eating touching wour face when you are working with food?
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What are things that are not allowed in Dusable Museum?

smoking, ballons, posters, glitter, and eating is not allowed in the dusable museum.

What type of activities are prohibited near chemicals?

Examples: eating, drinking, smoking, working with open flames etc.

Is Eating eggs and smoking is good for health?

Eating eggs is quite good for your health, however, it is best not to live on them. Smoking IS bad for you health and it is best to quit. Eating eggs will not make smoking any less bad for you. Try to quit smoking. :)

What factors cause heart disease?

Smoking, not eating vegatibles, but smoking is a definate answer. :)

How have people in the past stopped smoking?


When touching marijuana how long does it stay in system?

I really don't think that touching marijuana would ingest it into one's system enough to even count. One would have to actually ingest it another way like eating or smoking, to have it register on a measurable scale. Another answer: Are you SERIOUS?

Is eating hash bad for you if yes why?

No. Eating hash, as opposed to smoking, is perfectly safe.

Which is more effective smoking weed or eating it?

smoking it...eating it would be like killing your self...i somoke weed too soo i feel its more effects when i smoke it..!!

How do you smoke ginger?

Don't smoke ginger. Smoking anything is not good for your lungs. Ginger is for eating, not smoking.

Do you lose weight by smoking?

You may lose weight while smoking because instead of eating your smoking. But as soon as you quit smoking, you will gain even more weight, very quickly.So you can't rely on smoking.

Why does a heavy smoker prefer smoking to eating?

Yes, yes he does.

Is there a connection between eating pie and smoking a cigarette?

They are both things that people do after eating a large meal.