Examples that show why health is dynamic? Getting sick is one example. What is the difference between dynamic health and relative health? The subjective ...
Means you have little control over your health
A) It is constantly changing
Ecological concept of Health can be explained by the view put forward by the ecologists that "health is a dynamic equilibrium between the man and his environment whereas disease is the maladjustment of the human organism to the environment
The subjective judgments that people make about their level of health demonstrate the relative nature of health, with our health being relative to others and ourselves over time. Our health varies over time, fluctuating from minute to minute, day to day and year to year. Illness, accidents, personal experiences or environmental factors can move our level of health any number of times during our lives from very well to well, off-colour to ill, very unwell to critically ill and then back to full health. These continual changes in our state of health mean that health is dynamic.
It encourages dynamic remodeling to make the bones stronger.
How would you differentiate dynamic scheduling and dynamic inventory? How would you differentiate dynamic scheduling and dynamic inventory?
doodle is a dynamic character
What is dynamic balance
The antonym of dynamic is 'static'.
A dynamic character.