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because dogs have a special bacteria that cleans the mouth for them and also the nutrients in bones

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Q: Why is a dogs mouth cleaner than a humans mouth?
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Who is spit is cleaner dogs or humans?

A dog's mouth is actually far cleaner than a human's.

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Is there more gerns on a dogs tongue then a human?

N. A dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans.

Is a dog mouth cleaner than a cat mouth?

Actually, no. Cats also have cleaner mouths than humans, and they may possibly have cleaner mouths than dogs because their saliva destroys germs better than dog's saliva does. No dogs mouths are cleaner

Why do people say a dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans?

because they don't eat all the fats we do

Does a rabbit have a cleaner mouth than humans?

No no

Is the dogs mouth cleaner then the humans mouth?

no its not cleaner because the Dogs have a lot more germs than we do because Example: humans throw a ball and we throw it with our hands and our hands have the most germs so when you throw the ball the dog picks up the germs. hope i helpedd :D

Are dogs tongues cleaner than peoples?

yes dog mouth are cleaner than a men mouth look it up on mythbusters

Is a dogs anus cleaner than a humans?


Are the dogs mouth cleaner then any other animal?

Yes a mouth of a dog is cleaner than any other animal!

Is a dogs mouth bigger than a humans mouth?


Why is a dogs mouth cleaner than a persons?

Yes because dogs brush their teeth with grass and grass is cleaner than regular tooth paste.