That would be a myth. A dogs mouth is not cleaner than a human's mouth.
A dog's mouth is cleaner because it contains less bacteria although these bacteria are more harmful to humans
A dog's mouth is actually far cleaner than a human's.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that a human's mouth is cleaner than a dog's mouth. Both human and dog mouths contain various types of bacteria, and the cleanliness of each mouth depends on factors like overall dental hygiene and diet.
a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's mouth
yes dog mouth are cleaner than a men mouth look it up on mythbusters
A dog's mouth because it holds less bacteria in it's mouth and because the saliva in a dog's mouth is more acidic so it breaks down the bacteria in there mouths. when a dog swallows all the saliva makes the dog have a cleaner mouth
Actually, no. Cats also have cleaner mouths than humans, and they may possibly have cleaner mouths than dogs because their saliva destroys germs better than dog's saliva does. No dogs mouths are cleaner
There is a common misconception that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's, but this is not true. Both dogs and humans have different types of bacteria in their mouths, and neither is necessarily cleaner than the other. It is important to practice good oral hygiene for both dogs and humans to maintain oral health.
well a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human's because it salive kills germs just not bad breath
Yes a mouth of a dog is cleaner than any other animal!
Dog and cats mouth is cleaner
No they are not. ANSWER The vast majority of infectious diseases only affect one species, so diseases that hurt dogs -- parvo virus for example -- will not generally attack a human. It follows then that a cat's mouth, while not cleaner than a human's, will contain fewer bactiera, virii,etc. that would infect a human. However, in terms of cleanliness, cats' mouths are no cleaner than your own.