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The morning-after pill can make you sick due to the body's reaction to the chemical or chemicals it contains. There are at least three kinds of emergency contraceptive pills, each with different ingredients and potential side effects.

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Q: Why does the morning-after pill make you sick?
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The Placebo Effect

Can pill bugs get sick?

yes, they turn bright blue when sick

What are the durg used fo rthe morningafter pills.?


Can you still feel sick 2 weeks after taking the pill?

yes you can took the moring after pill two weeks ago and still feel so sick

Is it normal to feel sick after you take your birth control pill?

It is not normal to feel sick after taking birth control pills. If you feel that the pills are making you sick, you should contact your doctor and have them changed.Taking birth control pills should not make you feel sick. That is not normal.

What happens when a dog eats a headache relief pill?

i imagine it would get sick

Can taking birth control at different times of the day make you feel sick?

Yes it can. Taking the pill at the same time everyday will help get rid of the nauseating feeling

Never missed a pill but sick once pregnant?

if you take your pill and vomit or have diareer within the next 12 hrs it will not work and be flushed out of your system

Why does a sleeping pill make you hyper?

No they do not. They usually make you sleepy. Hence the "sleeping pill."

How do you control birth control Nausea?

try taking your birth control with a small snack. if that doesn't work then talk to your doctor and see if you can try another pill that wont make you sick.

You took your pill at 7am and was sick at 10am will you need to take another one?

best to yep

Does chewing pills make the pill work faster?

No it doesn't make the pill work faster.