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Usually when you are about to sneeze it is because you either have Allergies to something or other that is around you or because you have a cold or flue and your immune system is reacting to the germs throughout the area that you are in. When you sneeze your immune system is reacting to the germs around you. The snot will come out because your immune system is trying to get the germs out of your body. Therefore water is being released from your respriratory system by sneezing your snot out to get rid of germs.

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16y ago
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14y ago

In general, it doesn't, unless of course you inhaled smoke prior to the sneeze; either that, or perhaps you have a dragon or two in your ancestry.

Thumbs down to that answer. Obviously the question wouldn't be asked if the event wasn't experienced. - What you are witnessing isn't smoke but water vapor. I am willing to bet that you are holding your nose to suppress the sneeze. This causes pressure to build enough that in the correct environment, water vapor can be seen as you exhale.

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13y ago

Snot is an euphemism for mucosal discharge. Mucosal discharge has several duties. First, it lubricates the nostrils and sinus cavities. Second, it's the bodies defense against foreign objects from dirt and pollen to large objects like erasers and such that find their ways into nasal cavities. The mucosal discharge traps the foreign objects and through cilia travels forward out the nostral or down the throat. That is where sneezing and coughing come into play. Lastly, it provides a moisture to air that is breathed in. In arrid climates it keeps the air moist as you breath in. Being that mucosal discharge is mostly water it looses the water to the air.

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14y ago

the brain cosuels around the ear drums which are then lossed into a passing out and internal clearness

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11y ago

It comes out of your nose.

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Q: Why does smoke come out of mouth after sneezing?
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Should we keep a hanker chief on our mouth while sneezing?

When we sneeze , the particles can come out and spread in the air . This can be carried to a healthy person's nose . This can make a healthy person infected .That's why we should cover our mouth and nose while sneezing .

Can you explain the potential health implications of sneezing mucus out of your mouth?

Sneezing mucus out of your mouth can potentially spread germs and viruses to others, increasing the risk of transmitting illnesses such as colds or the flu. It is important to cover your mouth when sneezing to prevent the spread of infections.

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high breathing...high sneezing...lack of sleep...hydrophobia...allergy from smoke,sunlight,pollution.....sneezing at the time of environment change...

What do superstitions say about sneezing?

That they come in threes.

Why it is important t6o keep a handkerchief on mouth while sneezing?

Because if you don't, you'll spray thousands of droplets out of your mouth everywhere.

Can you get pregnant from a cat sneezing in your mouth?

You've got to be kidding, right? You need to read a good book about sex to figure out how people get pregnant.

What do you taste when you sneeze?

Some individuals have stated that they are able to taste something strange after sneezing. This is caused by the old saliva that builds up in the mouth and mucus. Sneezing causes the saliva to be interrupted, thus enabling it to be forced into the part of the mouth, in which it can be tasted.

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What trends of preventing spread of H1N1?

always wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (DO NOT COVER YOUR MOUTH WITH YOUR HAND!), and sanatize frequently touched surfaces.

Why does smoke come out of mouth when it is cold?

"Smoke" does not come out of your mouth when it's cold. That's actually water vapor. This is because normal air that we breath everyday is partially composed of water vapor, however we don't see this vapor until the temperature drops (however the temperature at which we would see the vapor depends on the humidity of the air). So when that vapor goes from your warm lungs to the cold outside, it condenses and forms what looks like smoke.